October 23, 2008

I Feel So Cool

I am an official member now. Spent the day talking about Gen Xers and Millenials at a Y staff retreat, and now I am an official member of FACEBOOK! It took 5 minutes to register and 27 ½ straight hours of finger blistering and eye straining to find 14 people to sign up as my friend! I have heard from people that I have not heard from in 25 years. I haven’t been able to focus for the past day and a half and now all I can do is send a message, invite a friend and scan the list for potential friends.

I even found a page or link to a group from my old neighborhood – Holly Tree. Where are Mike Selvy, David Catron, Barbie Bowen and Linda Yokum. Where are Sean DeVine, William Poole, Jeff Westhoff and Allen Cantrell. Hello all Holly Tree people. Are you out there? Wow, What if Evelyn Barber even vaguely remembers who I am and asks me to be her friend? I may just pass out! (Sorry about that. I had a flash back to being 15 years old again!)

It is kind of like a crack addiction!!!! I am Jonesing for some friends. WHOOAAAH.

One of my staff members has 1600 friends, and another has only 500. That is only 500. Well I have 14. 14 of the greatest friends that I have in the entire world. 14 people who dropped in and out of my life sometime over the last 44 years and now they have picked me. Picked me of all people to be on their list! To be their friend. To send an instant message . I am not worthy!
I feel so hip. I blog. I text. I IM on my blackberry and now I am on Facebook. If only my 14 year old daughter thought that I was cool. Maybe if she asked some of the 14 friends from my high school days to tell them how cool I was back in the day….Well maybe that is not such a good idea.

In all seriousness, this is a cool way (typed neat first but that ain’t cool) This is a cool way to connect with people. I love to regale my kids in those long lost stories where I can embellish my significance in the world. Whether it’s the story of Jayma Gilmore’s scarf, Sadie DePolo’s dance or the first date with their mother, the way I tell the story makes it sound like it should be part of a screenplay.

I know in a few days when I get April on Facebook she and I will have some secret arms race to see who can get more friends. That will be another thing that she will kick my ass in and lord over my head. And if my kids get a page then I will be pulling up the rear with them too.

Calling all Holly Tree people. Help me out please! I need some cool points! I need some friends!