My staff, I mean my team, probably hates that I reflect often about how we are a team. I guess for the non-sports staff, that doesn’t resonate. But everything about a true team resonates within me. I get goose bumps reading or watching about great championship teams and how they came together as one, well-oiled machine..... “Team.”
A great teammate has a willingness to lose themselves in the group for the good of the group. That is a cool definition but John Wooden, the great UCLA basketball coach, changed the word willingness to eagerness. He said that willingness sounded more like, “I will if I have to” where eagerness denotes a change of attitude to that you would be happy to sacrifice.
I like that, “Happy to sacrifice for the team.” I am eager to do whatever it takes to help you be successful. I am not just willing to help you because I have to, but I am eager because I want to and I cherish the opportunity.
On this Veterans Day, I lift up the grandest ideals of our military in how they mold super large groups of people into teams. Pride in our country creates a type of patriotism in our military that often moves me to that misty eyed mess of a man!
If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. Now all of you together are Christ’s body and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it. (1st Corinthians 12:26-27)
Great teams and organizations know that all jobs are important and that no one is more important than the team. Michael Jordan is credited with saying, “There is no “I” in team but there is in “Win.” My comment to him after his Hall of Fame speech is, “Mike, the game ain’t over yet buddy and you don’t want to be standing alone at the end!”
Today as you work, don’t think of yourself more highly than anybody else. We don’t want to see you fake humility, but to be genuine and eager to give up yourself for the good of others. Ask God to help you better contribute your talents so that the team can collectively do more than they ever dreamed.