August 20, 2012

If I Were on The Twitter

I’m not on “The Twitter” but if I was, these would be my TWITS from last weekend.

Thursday at 7am: Rolling through the Chick Fil A drive thru for Brooks’ first day of school and taking Ryanne to Notre Dame @notapolticalstatementIjustlikeminis

Thursday at noon: Eating lunch in Corbin, KY at the Root Beer Hut. Not impressed. Saw a family with a camouflaged baby carrier! @theydon’tknowhowtomakesweetteainCorbinKY

Friday at 8:30am: We have pulled into the University of Notre Dame. The license plates on the cars around us read NY, MN, TX, CA, and SD. #Ryannemayneedaninterpreterwithheraccent

Friday at 9am: 16 co-eds attack our car and take everything of Ryanne’s up to her room. They cheered laughed and danced while they did it. @IsuckedinmygutandtriednottosayanythingstupidtoembarassRyanne

Friday at noon: #WeneedaMoesinShelby

Friday at 10pm: Ryanne stays in her dorm for the first night and April and I head back to the hotel to get TJ football updates. @TJwinsTJwinsTJwins

Saturday at 10am: I tried to sneak on to the football field but security stopped me. I wanted to re-enact the scene where the maintenance guy tells Rudy he’s 5 foot nothing without a spec of athletic talent. #feelsliketheyplaythethemefromRUDYinthebackgroundalldaylong

Saturday at 3pm: There is so much history on the campus. Touchdown Jesus, the Golden Dome and the statue of Lou Holtz! #Isurehopeshedoesn’tmajorinanthropology

Saturday at 9pm: Night two in the dorm. Reality is setting in for me and April. All I can think of is how small she was on her first day of school – Big Back-Pack and all those huge 5th graders walking into Elizabeth School. @didn’tIjustholdyouforthefirsttime

Sunday at 9am: We walked down to the grotto and lit a candle and said a prayer. We’re not Catholic but I did stay at the Holiday Inn Express. #IhopethecampushasanAEDbecauseImayneedcpr

Sunday at 10am: Final goodbyes. I think I am barely breathing. I can’t even speak.  @criedforanhourbutmadeithomeinrecordtime

I have AMAZING kids! #IloveBrooksandRyanne