Is it beer before liquor and you are OK?
Either way, on the way back from South Bend, I stopped at a few wineries/breweries to get some Christmas gifts. I'm not much of a wine connoisseur, but I thought I would review my selections for you.
I will start with a Christmas Cherry Wine from Buck Creek Winery in Indianapolis, IN. I chose this wine for two reasons. First, my in-laws like a sweet wine and second it had a picture of a red-nosed reindeer on the label. The wine does smell sweet. My first sip reminds me of a Cheerwine with some kick. It goes down smooth. It is probably not good to drink when you are thirsty because my second glass went down as fast as the first.
My second wine is an apple wine from McClure's Orchards in Peru, IN. It has the hint of oak from the barrel, vanilla and is also sweet like apple juice. I bought this wine (Don't tell April) because the sales lady was cute. She tried to show me the correct way to taste and smell wine, but as I drink this wine, you can't just sip it. I mean you need to tip this glass up and try and get every ounce out of the glass. Just drop your finger in there. It taste great on your finger.
At McClure's, they also sold some apple beer. I will try this beer like was in college so I will use a funnel. WOW, It feels so good when it goes down! That is smooth. One more.....Someone tell Brooks to quit kaughing. It's ahrd to tipe when he is makng fun ofme.
My thrd tasting is a shot of bourbon from Town Branch Bourbon in Lexington, KY. I hate the Kentucky Wildcats. Its hard to drink this swill knowing it is close ti tht slimy head bskeball coch. But man that has a smooth brn when it goes down. Whew its's getting hiot in here. "So take your clothes off."
Shut up Brooks I am Nellie!
And for my frth drunk, iam thsjnskfjUGSDmmmmmmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz