I feel kind of like the Yugoslavian character Tom Hanks portrayed in the movie Terminal. I have been stuck in the Charlotte airport for the past 5 hours. The plane is in the hanger and they say it will be fixed any time now, mean while it is raining outside like it would if I had a tee time at Augusta National. 3 cups of Starbucks and as many trips to the "lav" and the day is pretty much lost. Today I guess that is just my luck.
I should have known it was going to be crazy this week. Notre Dame fires its Coach (the echoes are asleep), Tiger goes all John Edwards, our President pledges to send troops and then bring them home and the mom on Family Ties goes Lesbo - just like that. The world is upside down.
The funny thing about this flight today is after I boarded I had the unusual fortune of this gorgeous woman sitting beside me. She was wonderfully chatty and I was thinking this is going to be a pleasant two hours. Then the horror, "Would everybody please exit the aircraft!!!"
"NO, What about my seat beside Lauren the super model?"
"Sorry Mr. Corder. When we re-board you will either be beside Sam the refridgerator repair man, Evelyn with the crying baby, Tony with 8,000 piercings or Willie the shower curtain ring salesman."
It could be worse, I could miss my dinner meeting at a great Chicago Italian Restaurant. Oh, I forgot.....I am missing that!
If its not one thing its another. Up is down and down is up. First I am sitting beside Lauren and now Willie. It just goes to show you........Hey, my plane is fixed. Hooray!
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