March 22, 2011

This is Why You Should Never Fall in Love

It all starts so innocently when a friend says, “I have someone I want you to meet. She is really cool. No pressure and no strings attached. Let’s just all go out and have a good time.” That sounds simple enough and exactly what you are looking for. OK, I against my better judgment I went along for the ride.

But then you find that you have so much in common. She really understands you. The more time you spend together the more she amazes you. She gets better every time you see her. It doesn’t take long before you even start saying……. Oh-No, did I just drop an “L” Bomb? You even tell your friends about her. You even start thinking about how this is exactly what you have been looking for. Your mom even notices and asks about her. Music is clearer, food taste better and the sun shines so much brighter.

Then March rolls around and she disappoints you a couple of times and then “KABOOM” she breaks your heart. She rips it out and steps on it. You just sit there devastated and destroyed. This is why you should never ever fall in love.

Notre Dame’s basketball team did this to me this year. They weren’t supposed to be that good. Then they up and won a few early games. Mid season comes and they win a big game on TV, all your friends are buzzing about how good they are playing, they hit the top 25, you’re wearing the T-Shirts and then Sunday night they lay a big fat egg. The tires screech to a halt and you cry yourself to sleep.

That’s it for me. I will never ever tell another team I love them……Maybe.

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