October 3, 2011

4th Annual Leadership Summit

(L-R John Barker, Sr., Cameron Corder, and Jim Morgan)
 Getting ready to host the Leadership Summit this week. It is a busy week, but the best week of my year. Three days of golf and fellowship high lighted by the key note address by Jim Morgan, CEO of Krispy Kreme.

Often times, leaders get caught up in the day to day work that just bogs you down. You end up living a life of "Ground Hog Day" - the same day over and over! The Summit is designed to re-charge batteries and help us focus more on our spiritual leadership. Hopefully we will be able to translate this back to our Y teams, our families and our communities.

Other speakers include Tom Merritt - CEO of OOBE, Kevin Trapani - CEO of Redwoods, and Paul Byrne - CEO of Precor.

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