June 17, 2014

Sometimes I Just Ramble

·         One bucket list item for me would be to visit where the American forces invaded Normandy.
·         In my career, I have seen a lot of kids get out of a car for summer camp with a Mountain Dew and a Snicker Bar for breakfast. We should exhaust all resources to get our kids healthy.
·         20 years ago, people said soccer would take over. I think soccer is on the decline and lacrosse is climbing.
·         Alice from the Brady Bunch was like part of my family.
·         I challenged my son to not watch any stupid movies for a year – Hangover, 22 Jump Street, etc. Watch movies with an actual story line. He just laughed.
·         I wonder what history will say about Edward Snowden and Bowe Bergdahl in 50 years?
·         I am not sure that today’s NBA players could play if referees truly called walking and carrying the ball.
·         As crazy as I think my dad and father in law are, I have a great appreciation for them on father’s day!
·         I like bourbon, and I would love to taste the ultra-expensive Pappy Van Winkles, but I am not sure my palate is good enough to taste the dollar difference. I’ll just stick with Makers Mark. (I do want to taste the $40 bottle of Defiant Whiskey made in Rutherford County.)
·         The Spurs are proving that TEAM BALL wins. When they pass 5 times they always get an open shot.
·         Dwayne Wade =Tonto or Robin
·         Our country has some serious mental health issues that we need to address. I have no earthly idea how to start, but I do know putting our head in the sand is not the answer.
·         I miss Maya Angelou.
·         Are you a Mentor or a Mentee?
·         There is never an easy way to deliver the bad news.
·         If you are young and you want to be successful, spend time around successful people and find out where they made mistakes.
·         Technology is supposed to help us, but it still takes too long to join the Y or sign up for a program!
·         Do you ever feel that things are going so good that something bad is about to happen just too even things out?
·         I can’t remember how long ago it was but I said I would never pay for bottled water. Pppsssshh.
·         I love a quiet and clear night, small fire and just looking at airplanes and stars.
·         In order to be a better father, we need to understand that we are sons first.

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