March 11, 2015

Penalty Flags

Watching the news can be depressing - Iran, Iraq, Nut and Yahoo, Save an email, delete an email, idiot frat boys.....I could keep rambling.

I do have a couple of thoughts:

1. I wish there was a penalty flag we could throw on the news media for a late hit because the media loves to pile on. They can beat a story to death and show after show after show keep saying the same thing.

2. I am headed to DC Friday, a city that I love. Our government and our politicians should give us hope but instead they give us angst. Term limits and campaign finance reform would solve some problems. It would force them to work and stop all the grandstanding and constant fund raising.

It's hard to be a leader - especially a public leader like a school superintendent, public servant or a municipal manager. When you have so many different people to please, you can't win. The best of those leaders just "DO." When they are damned if they do or damned if they don't, they just DO!

I heard recently at a funeral a phrase that has motivated me to be a better leader: "We're all children of God, very few of us become a Man of God."

That is my prayer for you and me this week!!

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