Our schools are going through a debate on Prayer in Schools, specifically prayer before the school board meetings. Recently I read a post from a school board member who asked, "Can't we disagree without being disagreeable?"
I am proud of our school board and also our county commissioners because for the most part they operate with the formula of respectful debate. The challenges for our elected officials at all levels is when the outside forces create a political debate in a way to manipulate the electorate. It has become a do anything or say anything so that "My Group" can win and then we can impose "Our Will."
What if instead of demonizing opponents we looked for steps to persuade them? Maybe I am too idealistic to think that two sides can come together and work for creative solutions.
Steven Covey was right in his 7 Habits for Highly Effective People. One of the habits is Seek First to Understand. I read recently and believe this quote, "If we move to attack before we have taken time to understand, we will not be able to find solutions to the serious problems before us."
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