I think I found a new way to do the on boarding for new
staff at the YMCA; I am going to give them a year of Netflix with the
instructions to watch the entire series of The West Wing. My wife will say that
my infatuation with the show is just a crazy desire to have everyone stand
whenever I enter a room. There may be some truth to that because every time I
enter a room I always say, “Stay seated” even though everyone is already seated
and very few even acknowledge my presence.
It’s probably not a good idea to ask employees that already
work long hours to use 150 plus hours of their free time to watch an old TV
show. Maybe I could just give them a couple of episodes from each season to
watch and then we could meet periodically and debrief over the lessons.
While the work of the Y is not trying to change America, it
is trying to change our community. Change is exhausting and the often thankless
work demands that our staff teams be committed to the mission and to each
other. I am not sure of the magic needed to create a team that trust each
other, is honest with each other, and is accountable for incredibly high standards. That is exactly the kind of stuff that Patrick
Lencioni, author and business guru, has been stating for years. I guess my
idealistic hope is that in watching it modeled on a TV show, that somehow
osmosis will create the same environment. Now how much is the monthly Netflix subscription? And it's leadership from The West Wing, not House of Cards.
5 Traits for Your
Team From the West Wing
Passionate about the Mission
Open to creating relationships with their peers
Strong work ethic
Belief in team success over personal success
Really good at their job
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