· Glad the USA (the Redeem Team) won the basketball gold medal. I wonder if you gave them 6 months to get in shape, how the original Dream Team would do? Play a lot of zone and shoot three’s. Maybe future teams can be recently retired vets?
· The USA network has become my favorite station. Burn Notice on Thursday nights and In Plain Sight on Sundays are killer shows. Mary McCormack is HOT!
· In the words of John Madden, “Brett Favre is Brett Favre.” Could ESPN have beat that story to death anymore? I believe he came back because the Packers will be good and that may make him look bad. I kind of hope he has an awful year. I used to like Bret Favre.
· I saw my 9th grade daughter walking around with a boy at the ball game the other night. That was a first. This will be a new era for the Corder’s. I better pull out the 12 gauge!
· I really don’t like to watch golf on TV but I can’t wait for the Ryder Cup. I predict win US win this year!
· I have had a run of bad luck in August. Someone backed into my car, my son broke his foot and had to have surgery, a water line broke and flooded my front yard, and while eating breakfast in a restaurant, a man a few booths over died of a heart attack! I am ready for September.
· I have a couple of Mexican children that I have become friends with in the last few years. They are Katia an 11 year old girl and her 8 year old brother Jovani. They are great kids and so much fun to be around. They speak two languages better than I speak one!
· I know Michael Phelps was impressive but Dana Torres….WOW!
· Is there any bigger oaf than John Edwards? Everything this guy did was bass ackwards. When they first said run for President he should have said “No, I need to serve my state first.” Then said the same thing when Kerry asked him to be VP. He was so far behind in this Presidential race that he should have taken a pass. He had a natural out when his wife got sick but he continued on. Whoever was advising him should be shot! I predict his next venture will be on the next episode of MTV’s Real World!
· I really appreciate the historical significance of Barack Obama, but that doesn’t mean I have to vote for him. He is a lot like Edwards in that all he has done is run for an office and be a great public speaker. We should make the candidates name their cabinet prior to the election so we can see how they will surround themselves.
· The Democratic convention was almost comical. No way the Clinton’s want Obama to win. I predict we hear a great big “I TOLD YOU SO” about the second week of November!
· I read the book the Shack recently. I highly recommend it.
College football starts this week. This is my favorite time of the year! Have you ever noticed that Southern Cal has this great college football programs yet their players seem to under perform in the pros? I think it is because they take a cut in pay!
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