April 26, 2016

To Ryanne and Her/Our Notre Dame Friends/Family

The hardest part of this season of graduation is not the exams. It is obviously the anxiety of that day when you pile everything in your car and drive away toward the next life stage. 30 years after that day for me and I can remember it vividly. Just wait until next spring when all of your “still in college friends” head off to tropical spring break destinations and you have to go to work!

I hope you and your friends will take 120 seconds and read a few of my thoughts.

I recently read a devotion which made me think of you. It shared that the primary way the gospels present Jesus with his disciples is as people on a journey. Jesus is always moving quickly from place to place, with his poor, sometimes dazed and confused disciples stumbling along after Him. He calls disciples, not to sit down and rest with Him, not to build great stone buildings where they can settle down with Him; rather He calls disciples to move with Him.

Our commitment to each of you, as your parents, is that we are still here and will continue to help you along your way. You are beginning a new journey and as adults know, college was just one small beginning not the destination.

We pray that you are able to discern God’s promptings in your life. We hope that at age 22 you are more aware of your spiritual gifts than we were and you realize God’s blessings on you as you continue to grow in Christ, as you continue to live out your new life. We are confident that you will not simply survive, but you will triumph and have a life over flowing with joy.

We hope what makes you special and what gives us all hope is that when you hear Jesus say, “Follow Me” you know he means you and you dare to follow!