May 25, 2009


John Wooden says, “With all levels of your co-workers – listen if you want to be heard and be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way.”

Some people just like to work alone. I know there are many jobs out there that require such isolation: writers, scientists, painters, etc. But for me, I love the dynamic of a group or a team. Working with others helps me reach my potential much more than I can do alone.

I love the story of the young farmer who was working a team of mules, attempting to pull a load up a steep road. The young farmer was loud and abusive. Constantly screaming, slapping and barking demands at the mules. The results were hyper and agitated mules who were working against each other. With a gentle voice and a gentler touch the old farmer stepped forward, calmed the mules and walked them forward. The mules cooperated and could do much more as a team.

The two lessons are a 1) Gentleness is a better method of getting cooperation than harshness is (I still haven’t mastered this) 2) A team can accomplish much more together than an individual can do alone.

That is why I love collaborations and partnerships. I love when synergy is created and resources are maximized. I love when a group of people work together and do an awesome job on a project.
Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor – Ecclesiastes 4:9

Paul writes about the use of our spiritual gifts and notes more than 20 spiritual gifts in the scriptures. Every believer is given at least one spiritual gift and probably more. Problems arise on our teams when we do not use our spiritual gifts. The team suffers and we are not as effective. It is up to our peers to keep us accountable to the team. To ensure that we are woven tightly into the success goals of the group and that we are optimizing our gifts for the team.

Everyone has an innate desire to be in a relationship and to be in a group. Be willing to cooperate with each other for the good of the team. Maximize your personal potential by utilizing your spiritual gifts for the good of the team and the glory of God.

May 13, 2009


When I ask staff what they love best about their job they say it’s the people. That is 100% of the time. There is not much hesitation either. The relationships we form working side by side with people for 40, 50, 60 hours per week makes a tremendous impact on us. In most cases, we actually spend more time with our friends at work than we do our family. My friends in other spheres of my life think I am strange when I say that my BEST friends in the world are the people at work.

God did not design us to go through life alone. The moment that we understand our success in the context that we will become so much more alongside others is a critical “A HA” moment. Friends are part of our success and just as equally important, we impact their success. Friendship goes both ways. Great "FRIEND" synergy is when all the “doing” goes in both directions.

Friendship is why I love Facebook. Friendship is why I love the AYP conference and other Y meetings. Friendship is why I send emails, make phone calls and write letters. Granted, it is hard to have a deep friendship with people at such a distance and with so little contact, but it is the cultivation of that relationship that is important to me. I understand that friendships complete us. We will all be better for having taken friends on our journey.

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

Spend some time thanking God for friends. Be thankful for that friend that keeps you accountable to your faith. Make sure you hold your friends accountable to a high standard. Work hard on your friendships to ensure that they are not just a one-way relationship. Pray hard that your relationships will be as strong as a triple braided cord.

May 7, 2009


I cringe when I hear people talk about hating their job. These people get out of bed saying, “Good Lord it’s morning” versus “Good morning Lord.” That puts them at a distinct disadvantage, because I truly believe that you have to enjoy what you do in order to succeed.

I know there always days where you are less productive than other days. If you are like me you have to force yourself on some level to accomplish your daily goals. I can’t imagine every day being like that. Because for most days I am enthusiastic about coming to work and I strive to be better today than yesterday.

When I look back over my career I find that things that excite me the most are challenges. I can empathize with those who mope around and wonder why only bad things happen to them, but I love challenges. When we have been short staffed, incurred financial challenges, relationship problems and leadership dilemmas…I just enjoy taking them “head-on!”

When my brother died I guess I moped around for about two weeks when finally I just had to make myself snap out of it. I can remember thinking to myself how I was letting people down. My family, my staff and my Y needed me to lead and I had to get with the program. The end result was basically I was the only one that I had to find the enthusiasm again!!!

Enthusiasm stimulates the people around you. Extreme highs do not work but consistent and sincere enjoyment of your work motivates your peers and your employees. It exudes confidence and rubs off in miraculous ways.

Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically (Romans 12:11)

Back in the early stages of the Y, we had two college kids that worked afternoons at the Y with our sports programs. They would roll into the Y around 2pm all full of teenage life and fun and try and mesh their energy and enthusiasm with what would sometimes be stress and anxiety. At first it was a clash, but after awhile, our office conformed to their positive energy and we looked forward to their enthusiasm.

Let us all serve God by loving our job and working with enthusiasm. Let that passion rub off on all that come in contact with us. Become all that you can be and all that GOD intended you to be by waking up saying “GOOD MORNING LORD.”