October 21, 2009

It Takes Skill

Skill is knowing what to do and having the ability to execute. Last week in my pick-up basketball game I threw a long alley-oop pass that swished. When one of the young guys told me how lucky I was, I just winked and replied, “all skill baby.” However, skill is more than knowledge and execution. A skillful person usually has a sense of timing.

I admire the skill of an artist, a surgeon, a song writer, a carpenter and a great athlete. I even have to acknowledge the skill of my kids to do great homework, my mother on her ability to remember every detail of my flawed childhood, and the skill of cooking that Ms Pat shares at the Y!

I am looking for an executive right now and I am looking for skill and will. I know that people with a great resume may just look good on paper. I also know that a person that interviews well just may be a great talker. I am looking for the entire package. I want the leader that is striving to be better tomorrow than he or she is today. I want a leader that can inspire others around them to greatness. I want a servant leader that has proficiency in the job and knows how to create success.

Do you see any truly competent workers? They will serve kings rather than ordinary people (Proverbs 22:29)

Many of my best candidates are great young leaders. I hope they understand how achieving great things takes experience and hard work. We all need to spend time in prayer asking God to show us our talents. We are on earth for a purpose and God has a plan for us.

We often aspire to be something that is measured in the eyes of our neighbors not in the eyes of our Lord. But what if we use our skill and our will to serve in whatever job role we lead? How would that be measured? The bible clearly states that those who serve others will be rewarded in heaven. In fact, the best leaders display a servant’s attitude.
Commit yourself today to developing and using the talents and gifts blessed from God. Ask God to show you the areas of service where you can use those talents. Work hard to develop those skills. Ask for humility that regardless of the world’s hierarchy that you would have a servant’s heart!

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