January 10, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I have laughed this week at the many videos on Facebook about crazy members. Click to see video. January and New Years Resolutions bring them out! The long term members of the Y always grumble this time of year about all the new members that join in January but drop by March. They have a name for them, “Tourists.” 

I think we need to stop making fun of the “Tourists” and take a different approach with them : 
We need to INSPIRE THEM.

One of the top issues facing our country, our states and our communities is the health of our citizens. It’s hard to pick up a magazine or newspaper today and not read about childhood obesity, diabetes, or cancer. It truly is an epidemic for our country.

So the next time you’re at the Y or where ever you choose to exercise, when you see a new face on the treadmill next to you, here are some things you can do:
1.       Smile
2.       Introduce yourself
3.       Introduce them to other members
4.       Encourage them
5.       Compliment them
6.       Let them know you miss them if they miss a few days
7.       Invite them to a class they may be too intimidated to take

      My hope is that you can be relational enough, to engage the new members about living a healthier lifestyle. Invest yourself for the sake of a healthy life. This could have an impact on the health of our communities in monumental proportions. It may also impact your life with a new relationship!

“Don’t wait until you care to start investing in someone’s life. You invest in someone’s life in order to care.”

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