January 24, 2013

Standing Ovations at Work

I love coming to work! I realize that having that excitement about going to work puts me in the minority, but working at the Y is fun.

We had our annual meeting this week where we celebrated some of the Y’s accomplishments from 2012. One of the highlights of the meeting was when I got to call forward all of the Y staff and the volunteers gave them a standing ovation! That was a goose bump moment for me. Hopefully the staff felt loved, appreciated and encouraged.

We also just got new spin bikes at one of our branches, and I walked into the spin class yesterday to see how they were being received and the 25 people applauded me. (All I do is approve the purchase and sign the check but yet they were thanking me!)

We should have more ovations at work. I know it doesn’t happen every day but I hope everyone gets to experience that Rudy moment when you walk into work. If YOU have never had that feeling at work, you should send me your resume because you need to work at the Y!
Click here for scene from Rudy

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