January 30, 2013

Top 10 Comments from this weeks Blog Readings

1.   Next generation donors want meaningful, hands-on engagement with the causes that they care about and want to develop close relationships with the organizations they give to, giving their time and talent as well as their treasure. – Katya Andresen

2.   Starting the team journey is perhaps the easiest part. The real difficulty is staying the course. The temptation to retreat is real and pervasive. – Mark Miller

3.   What I came away with from my trip with Michigan State Basketball was that Russell Byrd is a natural leader. I called him the mayor, the entire trip – I might be his biggest fan now! He never missed an opportunity to engage with those traveling with him – his teammates, his coaches, the team managers, us tag-along donors, the hotel staff, etc. It might be a handshake, eye contact with a wink and a smile or putting his arm around you and joking around. He was encouraging, always, he kept a positive attitude even when his own performance, that night, wasn’t what he would have wanted. While not having a good game, he set his own feelings aside, to pick up those on his team, who were more skilled, who needed some picking up. He put his team, before himself. – Tim Sackett

4.   "He's got to understand that lazy and crazy isn't going to make it work," Denver Nuggets Coach George Karl said about Javale McGee. You can have amazing potential. You can have great talent. At some point you have to produce results. If you have great potential and are perceived to be lazy, the mothership starts becoming less patient with your "quirks". – Kris Dunn

5.   Trust flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

6.   Don't ever apologize because you have big dreams of seeing people rescued from darkness and brought into light. Don't you EVER apologize for having a vision so huge that you know you can only get there if God gets involved. Don't you EVER allow those who have no enthusiasm make you feel bad for your excitement and belief that greater things are coming. – Perry Noble

7.   Conservatives and Republicans feel a bit under siege these days because their views are not officially in style. But the Cringe is not the way to deal with it. If you take a stand, take a stand and take the blows. Many people would think that paying more than half your salary in city, state, county and federal taxes is unjust. Mr. Mickelson is not alone. – Peggy Noonan

8.   Every day, whenever the issue of ethical behavior confronts you, ask this question: “How would I like to be treated in this situation?” Then take the advice of nineteenth-century novelist George Eliot, who said, “Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right, decide on what you think is right and stick to it.” – John Maxwell

9.   On the day of my wedding, the pastor said, "Tomorrow hundreds of people will be watching you on the most important day of your life. Try to remember this: It's not a performance; it's an experience." – Peter Bregman

10.                Talking about when his youngest daughter sleeps in his bed,”Those big blue eyes are difficult to argue with. My heart is warmed by her sweet “got daddy wrapped around my finger” request. It’s sweet alright, until 4 AM. That’s about the time I wake up to pee and discover the Blanket Bogart has stripped me of any and all covering I might have started with when Jimmy Kimmel bid me goodnight.” - Bruce Hamm

11.                Talking about his dog that had just died – “Backer loved rabbits, napping, peanut butter, Nicholas & Ellie. He was not a fan of people, bikes, the other dog in the house, and the Invisible Fence Installer, who was the only person he successfully bit. One of his fondest memories was traveling with twelve guys to his master’s Bachelor’s Party in 2003, which he may or may not have consumed a small bit of tequila.” – Steve D’Avria

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