February 18, 2013


I asked the question on Facebook, “If your church amazes and inspires you on Sunday, where do you go? And I got great comments. Here are a few thoughts about GREAT CHURCH

1.       I had a few pastors say their church. That’s like Barak Obama saying he’s the best president! Also why you should never play golf with a pastor. Fill in your own analogy.

2.       It has a lot to do about the leader. Great in the pulpit. Able to relate to the congregation and knows how to stuff the ballot box!

3.       The Church body must be about Love – Love thy neighbor as thyself

4.       The Church body must be about discipleship and service

5.       You have to be willing to invite people to church

6.       Young families and kids create a lot of energy in a church

7.       The church must pray

8.       When it comes to being amazing and inspiring there also must be some entertainment value involved.

This is not exactly George Barna, but to all of my Pastor friends, what do you think?

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