November 3, 2008

One More Day

The best thing that can happen tomorrow is that it will be over. It seems that the big winners in this election season are the printers, marketing people, TV stations, ad agencies, newspapers and the people that sell canned phone calls.

I am starting to get tired of the calls at home, the slanderous slick ads in the mail, and the partisan TV pundits. I am not getting tired of the SNL impersonations. Tina Fey gets better looking each week!!!

I am going to get up early and vote tomorrow. And I will watch the news tomorrow night trying to monitor who will be our new President, Governor, Lt Governor and County Commissioners. But no matter who wins or who loses, I will get up Wednesday morning and sit in the dentist chair.

That may be the only thing worse than the last month of this election season!

Everybody rinse and spit. And God Bless America!

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