November 22, 2008

Lets Take the House to DefCon 4

The Corder house is going to DefCon 4.

Five 9th grade girls are spending the night tonight. I worked all day in the yard today and while I was getting up leaves I wondered what I would have done as a 9th grade boy if I knew these girls were in the house! OK, this is not good.

I'd be calling the house and checking out things....but kids don't call today they text. OK, I will just go check my daughter's phone......Damn, she has got it locked and pass word protected. Since 9th grade boys don't drive, they will probably be walking past our house like vultures circling their prey. I wish my dog's shock collar would work on them!!

I have instructed the house to go to DefCon 4 and we are all on high alert.

Motion Dector Lights - Check
Dogs Un Fed and Hungry - Check
High Powered Flash Lights - Check
Pellet Gun Loaded and Pumped - Check (I will just sting 'em)

I have changed into all dark clothes and have painted my face so I can be mobile outside without being noticed.

If you need me I will be in the Situation Room monitoring the situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very glad we have a little post just proves it to me again... :-)
