May 13, 2009


When I ask staff what they love best about their job they say it’s the people. That is 100% of the time. There is not much hesitation either. The relationships we form working side by side with people for 40, 50, 60 hours per week makes a tremendous impact on us. In most cases, we actually spend more time with our friends at work than we do our family. My friends in other spheres of my life think I am strange when I say that my BEST friends in the world are the people at work.

God did not design us to go through life alone. The moment that we understand our success in the context that we will become so much more alongside others is a critical “A HA” moment. Friends are part of our success and just as equally important, we impact their success. Friendship goes both ways. Great "FRIEND" synergy is when all the “doing” goes in both directions.

Friendship is why I love Facebook. Friendship is why I love the AYP conference and other Y meetings. Friendship is why I send emails, make phone calls and write letters. Granted, it is hard to have a deep friendship with people at such a distance and with so little contact, but it is the cultivation of that relationship that is important to me. I understand that friendships complete us. We will all be better for having taken friends on our journey.

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

Spend some time thanking God for friends. Be thankful for that friend that keeps you accountable to your faith. Make sure you hold your friends accountable to a high standard. Work hard on your friendships to ensure that they are not just a one-way relationship. Pray hard that your relationships will be as strong as a triple braided cord.

1 comment:

annb said...

I am so honored to call you a friend. Thanks for all you do!