December 30, 2010

The Best Facebook Posters

Posting on Facebook is an art not a science. I have to admit that I am more of a lurker than a poster. But when I do post, I measure the success or failure of that post by it's response. If it gets no response..."crash and burn."

The blog-o-sphere is full of advice of what not to post and how not to post on FB. Too bad most posters don't read this or ignore this advice.

For the last two months I have monitored the posters on my page and I want to acknowledge three. Three people that don't seem to copy post from some comedic web site. Three people that always elicit great comments and feedback. The comments are often better than the posts. And all three get comments from their spouses. Impressive! My wife has blocked me on Facebook and doesn't read my blog. These three typically post great photos, make me laugh, make me think and still manage to let me be involved in their lives.

First is Lori Swan from Nashville, TN. Lori is a YMCA friend that even though she looks much younger than me, she actually led a training that I attended early in my career. Obviously the water is much better in Nashville! She is much better preserved. Here is an example of a post by Lori. "I want TSA to put up a sign that the Amish are not allowed in the expert travel lane. I love the Amish, but they can't be in that big of a hurry or they would lose the buggies. Move it grandpa!"

Second is Randy Rains from Atlanta, GA. Randy was a high school friend. Even though he moved away from Mauldin close to 30 years ago, we kept up with each other through college and as we both started families. All of this is prior to Internet, email and social media. Thank God for the annual Christmas card! Here is an example of a post by Randy. "Holy Crap.... Festivus is only 6 days away.... I better shine my pole and work on my feats of strength...."

And finally is Steve D'Avria. Another Y peer and a Notre Dame grad. Steve hooked me up with tickets in South Bend a few years ago so he has a head start on most people! He is also a blogger who has a much bigger following than the 8 people who read mine. Here is an example of a post by Steve. "is still getting delicious meals from friends and neighbors. I'm tempted to have another baby just for the free food."

Lets all make our 2011 New Year's resolution to acknowledge the best posters and to be more like them. Now I have to go feed the dogs and go night-night.


SJ D'Avria said...

I am honored and humbled Cam. Now I have a lot more pressure when posting my status.

Greg Hall said...

I think anyone who actually types the words..."night-night" for public consumption starts 2011 a few points in the hole!!!